Celebrating my dreams

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pooja“I see something, I think and then I create.” Wonder who said this… a world-renowned scientist, maybe? They’re actually the words of a budding designer; the ‘world-renowned’ suffix will eventually come.

15-year old Pooja aspires to be a designer and finds that everything she learns in Art for Akanksha’s Design Class prepares her for it. After being part of art class, she sees things through a different and creative prism, and loves the space she has to explore her creative abilities. A stark contrast, she feels, to her school. Design Class gives her art, and her art gives Pooja the taste of being a designer. “We can make anything we want here. Because of art, I am celebrating my dreams.”

“Pooja was confused. She wanted to be a fashion designer, but wasn’t sure how to pursue her dream,” says her mother. “Design class allowed her hidden talents to come out. It also boosted her confidence level and English skills. This became the best place for her to practice English. She would come home and talk about all the things that happened in art class.”

Her mother is convinced, Pooja will make her mark as a designer. And she waits for it to happen with complete faith in her daughter’s abilities.

Currently, Pooja works as a graphic designer and uses photoshop extensively. She has completed a course in fashion design and is determined to stay on the path to becoming what she wants to.