My brain starts moving fast!

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swapnilHe has been interested in colours for as long as he can remember. He enjoys thinking out of the box. Discovering different art forms and famous artists from around the world is his hobby.

No wonder, Swapnil Chavan loves Art for Akanksha’s design classes. For him, the classes are like Pandora’s Box waiting to be opened – every weekend offers something new and exciting to learn.

Before design classes came along, Swapnil spent his weekends doing homework. Once the classes began, life changed. “It was a time of enjoyment in my busy life,” he says. Not just that, he realised that participating in design classes increased his confidence. He found his brain thinking faster. Mathematics, science, toying with numbers and conducting experiments – our young Picasso began to find it all extremely interesting.

“He has grown exceptionally in many ways – his English improved, he excelled in all the other subjects, and today ‘he’s on a different planet’!” Says Rupa didi, Swapnil’s Centre teacher who finds the Akanksha topper immensely focussed.

Working with a calm demeanour and sincerity, Swapnil has won over everyone including his Design Class teacher, Salli didi, who finds his attitude of giving his best to everything and his sense of perfection very inspiring. “I go deep into everything I see and it’s because of art. Here in Design Class I have found a new world,” he smiles.

We hope his discoveries in this new world take him places.

Board exam score: 95% (Akanksha topper)

Currently, Swapnil works as a software engineer at Walmart Global Tech Services, Bangalore